April 27, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Sammons.

Members Present:

Mayor: Mr. Sammons

Law Director: Mr. Sollmann, (by phone)

Fiscal Officer: Ms. Fryman, (by phone)

Councilpersons: Mr. Moorman, Mr. Deters, Mr. Bonner,

Mrs. Romweber, Mr. Hartoin, Ms. Smith


Mayor Sammons stated these are very unusual times living with the COVID19 pandemic. The last time we saw a pandemic was in 1917. He noted we only have nine people attending our council meeting and we are complying with social distancing standards. He hopes everyone is staying safe.


Joe Bonner moved that the February 24, 2020 minutes be accepted. Shirley Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.


The Treasurer’s Report is available at the Village office.

Marty reported the Tax Budget is due in July, 2020.

Dave Moorman stated the State Auditor recommended the Village of North Bend adopt a resolution setting a maximum amount for blanket purchase orders.

Dave Moorman made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-10 Setting a Maximum of $15,000 for the Village to Execute “Blanket” Purchase Orders Against a Specific Line Item Account. Ron Hartoin seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.


Fran Romweber made a motion to pay the bills. Bill Deters seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.


Ron Hartoin read the Maintenance Supervisor’s Report in Rick’s absence. The Maintenance Supervisor’s Report is available at the Village office.

Minutes, April 27, 2020


The Deputy Clerk’s Report is available at the Village office.


Sgt. Raker is back with the Village of North Bend. He dropped off his report instead of attending in person because of COVID-19 and complying with Governor DeWine’s directive.

Bill Deters read Sgt. Raker’s report in his absence. There were 20 calls for service for the month of February, 2020. (56 YTD) One case was assigned to detectives for investigation and one case was closed. There were 18 non-billable details.

There were 27 calls for service for the month of March, 2020. (83 YTD) There were no cases assigned to detectives, however, two cases were closed. There were 8 non-billable details.


No Report.


Chief Ober faxed his report instead of attending in person because of COVID-19 and complying with Governor DeWine’s directive.

Bill Deters read Chief Ober’s report in his absence. There were 3 fire details and 8 EMS runs for the month of February, 2020. There was one overdose reported.

There were 4 fire details and 5 EMS runs for the month of March, 2020.

Chief Ober stated the fire house is practicing social distancing. They are also providing the drive-by parades for any special occasions residents may have.


Superintendent Hockenberry participated by phone and reported on March 16, 2020 Governor Mike DeWine ordered all schools in Ohio CLOSED due to COVID19.

TRS immediately created a special website to help parents and community members with FAQ.

By March 20th, they had e-learning up for all students in our district.

They set up an emergency PASS/FAIL grading system.

Mental Health services and medication for our most vulnerable have been established.

All state testing has been halted.

We set up four emergency food distribution sites across the community to get supplies to our children. (1) Station 69 Frogtown; (2) North Bend United Methodist (3) BLOC House Cleves (4) Addyston VFW.

The Board of Education has been meeting via ZOOM and the next meeting is April 28 at 6:00pm. Once per week, Superintendent Hockenberry holds a video update for parents and staff. Leadership continues to meet weekly to navigate this pandemic. Virtually all in-person services have been canceled for the past seven weeks.

Superintendent Hockenberry stated that school employees are working. The essential cleaning of the school is ongoing. Administrators are preparing the COVID19 recovery plan for the start of school in the fall. It may include a blended model; some students learning at home and some attending school. There are discussions regarding how to get masks for all students and keeping the school sanitized.

Minutes, April 27, 2020


Finance - Mr. Moorman

Dave Moorman stated Delhi Township discontinued broadcasting our council meetings on cable as of January, 2020. Dave has created a Village of North Bend You Tube channel. At this time, Dave is investigating You Tube’s fee structure for video. Dave will investigate using the memory card that videographer, Jim Holt uses to record our meetings and place the recorded meeting on our You Tube channel with a link to it on our website for residents to view.

We could also outsource this process. Marilyn and Rick spoke with Mr. Vince Cerchio who could set up the process and take care of all issues. His fee is a one-time charge of $315.00 for set up and a $45.00 monthly fee for posting.

Dave also mentioned he read a Sunday, April 26, 2020 Enquirer article regarding the census. Hamilton County estimates that more than $3B in Hamilton County government funding over the past 10 years may have been lost because residents did not respond to the 2010 Census. He asked all citizens to participate in the 2020 Census. The final 2020 Census deadline is mid-August, 2020.

Light, Water and Sewer - Ms. Smith

No Report.

Maintenance - Mr. Hartoin

Ron Hartoin made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-11 Authorizing Mayor to Execute a Contract on Behalf of the Village of North Bend with the Edinburgh Place Condominium Owners Association. Shirley Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.

Ron Hartoin made a motion to declare Ordinance 2020-02 Setting Forth Village’s Policies, Regulating its Public Right-of-Ways and Establishing the Village’s Right-of-Way Permit Process an emergency and to dispense with the requirement that this Ordinance be read on three separate days and be adopted upon its first reading . Dave Moorman seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.

Ron Hartoin made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2020-02 Setting Forth Village’s Policies, Regulating its Public Right-of-Ways and Establishing the Village’s Right-of-Ways Permit Process. Bill Deters seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.

Police & Fire – Mr. Deters

Bill Deters met with Captain Butler, Hamilton County Police to discuss and negotiate a possible direct contract with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office. Bill also met with Jack Rininger with Miami Township, to discuss our contract with them. Bill stated if we include Miami Township, the Village of Cleves and North Bend in a contract with Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office it may be a three-year contract with a 60/30/10 percent cost share among Miami Township, Cleves and North Bend. Such an agreement could reduce North Bend’s Sheriff Department costs. If Miami Township prefers not to participate, it would be an 80/20 percent cost split between Cleves and North Bend, with reduced savings for North Bend. Each entity would pay Hamilton County directly. Bill reached out to the Village of Addyston with no response.

Dave Moorman stated that regardless of whether a revised Sheriff’s Department agreement can be reached, Council should again consider placing a Public Safety levy on the November 2020 ballot and taking North Bend’s funding case to its residents. Dave asked Marty to begin preparing what is needed to file with the Board of Elections keeping the August 5, 2020 deadline in mind. Scott stated he will prepare a form showing all deadlines. Council will discuss the matter further during the May council meeting.

Minutes, April 27, 2020

Planning & Zoning - Mrs. Romweber

No Report.

Law & Ordinance - Mr. Bonner

No Report.

Mayor Sammons asked Joe to look at issues with excessive tall grass and inoperable cars in the village.

Beautification – Fran Romweber

Fran stated she has been working on the project of felling trees at President William Henry Harrison’s burial site since 2017. We applied for a grant with the Marge and Charles J. Schott Foundation and it has been awarded to the Village of North Bend. We now can remove the trees blocking the memorial’s view from US 50 and the surrounding area. The railroad company has committed to removing the trees on their property once ours have been removed.

Fran stated we will erect a plaque in thanks to the Marge and Charles J. Schott Foundation for this generous gift.


No Report


Scott talked about the sign to be installed across from the Aston Oaks Drive entrance. The property owner is asking for a monthly lease fee for the sign to be installed on his property. Scott believes because the sign promotes Aston Oaks businesses, it may not constitute an easement on private property, however, he will look in to the matter.


No Report.


Dave Moorman would like to begin the process of planning the transition of the Maintenance Supervisor position. The matter will be further discussed during the May council meeting. Mayor Sammons stated that, when appropriate, he would like to advertise this position and interview possible candidates.


No Report.


No Report.


No Report.

Minutes, April 27, 2020


Our next council meeting is Monday, May 18, 2020 at 7:00pm.


No Report.


Ron Hartoin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Shirley Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%. Meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

_____________________________ _______________________________

Fiscal Officer Mayor


April 27, 2020

To Council Members for Your Information and Review

The Tax Budget is due by July 20, 2020. Please send me any large or capital expenditures expected or being considered for 2021. The budget will be prepared and the required Public Hearing will be advertised as a special meeting just prior to the June meeting. The tax budget submitted in July is used by the Hamilton Co. Auditor’s office to certify available 2021 appropriations funds. The 2021 annual budget is created and approved the end of the year.

The County Auditor’s office informed us of the possibility/probability of a 20% reduction in the Local Government Fund. This is a possible loss of $2,600. Other tax reductions needing consideration are real estate tax revenue – 10%, $34k in General Fund and $10k in Fire/EMS Fund; and gas tax due to decreased consumption.

We issued 4 purchase order for Duke Energy, $1,324.20, Christmas lights electric usage, Burnham and Flower of Ohio, Inc., $100.00, for Mayor Sammons bond renewal, Miami Township Trustees, $182,978.00, for Fire/EMS contract coverage and Husac Paving & Excavating, $45,451.50 for Aston Oaks road work.

Distributed to council members this month are the following reports:

· Monthly Cash Flow Analysis:

Showing money in/money out and the check book balance

· Payment and charge Register Report:

Includes all checks & automatic payments taken directly from our checkbook since last Council Meeting

· Receipts Register Report:

Includes all sources of revenue taken in by the Village since last Council Meeting

· Revenue Status Report:

Shows the year-to-date status of each revenue account as of date of this Council Meeting

· Fund Status Report: Shows amount left in each fund as of date of this Council

Meeting and the current checking account balance

· Year to Date Beautification Accounting Report

· Mayor’s Discretionary Fund Report

· Monthly Credit Card Charges Report

Copies of all the above reports are available for public viewing at the Village Office.

Respectfully submitted, Marta Fryman, Fiscal Officer


- Stored winter snow equipment for the summer.

- Continue cutting back honeysuckle along roadways and sprayed for control of future growth.

- Painted gazebo.

- Started trimming shrubs and mulching.

- Mowing has started.

- Changed over village banners to summer season

- Making final adjustments to new watering system for hanging baskets.

- Repairs to curbs and catch basins completed. Paving to follow on St. Annes and Turnberry (patches and crossover paving)

- The dump truck hydraulic tank was repaired. Straps on holding tank were rusted out.

- Cleaned carpets in council hall and office.

DEPUTY CLERK’S REPORT April 27, 2020 Marilyn Kramer

- Our Records Retention meeting was held on Monday, February 24, 2020 at 6:15pm.

The minutes of that meeting are attached for your review.

- Our Wellness Committee meeting was held Friday, March 13 at 9:30am. The minutes of that meeting are attached. I’d like to thank Patty Hartoin, a member of our Wellness Committee, for purchasing the contents for an additional ten baby baskets to give to new parents, grandparents, foster parents or anyone that is caring for a newborn in North Bend.

- We received a check for $998.00 from the 2020 PEP Grant Program for purchasing safety lighting for our maintenance trucks.

- We now participate in Hamilton County’s Residential Recycling Incentive (RRI) Program. North Bend diverted 49.32 tons of recycled waste for 2019 and received $617.62 for our recycling efforts.

- We have postponed our spring cleanup event until fall, as we will begin our new leaf recycling program in October, 2020. We will have a dumpster for yard waste when we confirm those dates. The $617.62 received for our recycling efforts will go towards the

purchase of gas for our new equipment and other items for the fall program.

- We will have a tire dumpster located in the Maintenance driveway on Taylor Avenue from June 5 – June 15, 2020 for residents to dispose of their tires. These tires will be recycled.

- Since the March 17th primary election was delayed, voters had to download the ballot application from the Board of Elections website and mail that form to the BOE in order to receive the actual ballot. The ballot had to be postmarked by today, April 27, 2020 or delivered to the BOE by April 28th, 2020.

- We have had several complaints regarding a high level of noise from trucks travelling down Miami Avenue or Taylor Avenue to Symmes to get access to US 50. I’ve contacted the trucking company on Brower Road asking them to comply with our directive to exit Brower Road in the opposite direction to gain access to US 50. Do we need signage?

- Hamilton County’s residential yard trimming drop off site has relocated from Kuliga Park to Oakdale Elementary School on Virginia Avenue, March 28 – December 6, 2020. This has been postponed because of COVID19 until further notice. Please look for an opening date soon.

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