June 25, 2012

Prior to the meeting commencing there was a Public Hearing on the 2013 Tax Budget.
Fiscal Officer Mr. Sullivan reported that this is the required public hearing on the 2013 Tax Budget for the Village of North Bend.
Mr. Ed Sullivan reported that the proposed budget is based on our best estimates of revenue and expenses for the year 2013. For this reason, further adjustments may be made as time goes on towards 2013. The proposal is also based on previous years’ budgets and in consultation with the previous Fiscal Officer. Mayor Sammons and Bill Welch consulted with Ed Sullivan on the budget along with Cindy Oser, Miami Township Fiscal Officer. Mr. Sullivan reported the financial condition of the Village is good at this time.
There was no comment from the public.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Sammons.

Members Present:
Mayor: Mr. Sammons
Law Director: Mr. Reichert
Fiscal Officer: Mr. Sullivan
Councilpersons: Mrs. Romweber, Mr. Moorman, Mr. Hartoin
Mr. Boll, Mr. Nunnery, Mr. Welch

In honor of July 4th holiday, Mayor Sammons read correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

Mr. Ron Hartoin moved that the May 21, 2012 Minutes be accepted. Fran Romweber seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.

Ed Sullivan gave a brief explanation of the tax budget procedure and then deferred to Mr. Welch which will be discussed in the Finance Committee section. The Treasurer’s report is attached.
Mr. Tim Boll made motion to pay the bills. Mrs. Fran Romweber seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.

As we no longer have a full-time Maintenance Supervisor, Committee Chairman, Ron Hartoin gave the report. Maintenance has cut the grass and has been demolishing Council Hall. They removed the bushes (bushes were given to local residents) and dirt away from the brick to prevent termite re-infestation.
Mayor’s Comment: There’s a cat odor issue at 3 Miami. The Mayor will call Board of Health and Dave Moorman will refer to Dick Weber, our Code Enforcer. Bill Burns called about the guard rail that is falling apart at Symmes. Ron Hartoin stated that a hole needed to be filled on Miami Avenue and Taylor. It does have a safety cone on it.
Dave Moorman asked to have the dead weeds removed from the US 50 median.
Mayor Sammons will ask maintenance to get coverage from the county (safety issue) and remove.

Sgt. Boeing stated there were four cases assigned to detectives – no property recovered. Five citations were written in May. Mayor Sammons discussed 154 Miami Ave. has been quiet and attributes this to the 24-hour car coverage.

John Finnigan from Duke Energy Retail was our first guest and he described Aggregation. Our current cost is 6.03 cents; aggregation cost is 5 cents. We have 1,413 accounts. This would be a $10.00 savings per customer and approximately $140,000 savings for the community.
Duke will assist in the resolution, qualifying The Village through PUCO. Residents can sign up and ultimately it will be (March, 2013) an opt-out program. The Village will receive a 1 mill rebate from those who participate in the aggregation with Duke. A lengthy discussion about the resolution and rebate was held. Ron Nunnery made a motion to declare an emergency and Ron Hartoin seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.
Ron Hartoin made motion for an Ordinance to be put on the ballot in November and Tim Boll seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%. The needed legislation was passed by Ordinance No. 2012-05 Authorizing All Actions Necessary to Effect a Governmental Electric Loads Aggregation Program and Submission of the Ballot Question to the Electors.
Bob Czanik , contractor, gave an update on Council chambers. The termite infestation was old and all gone. It will cause some expenses. Moving the stage involves purchasing pressure-treated lumber. Bob will get proposal which may take a couple of weeks. Bob also stated there is no insulation in council room. He will get a quote for this as well.
Mayor Sammons got a bid from Delhi Pest Control for termite prevention (less than $1,000)
Dirt has to be removed from around the brick. The opening from the window to garage needs to be walled-in. Bob has a proposal for new concrete at office entrance. We need a new 4 X 4 concrete landing at each egress door to accommodate wheelchair access.

Chief Ober reported there were 15 EMS runs and 2 fire details in the Village. The fire hydrant checks were completed and two are out-of-service. Cleves Water Works are repairing them. We discussed the water outage earlier this month. Chief Ober says the leaky hydrant could not have drained the entire water storage tank as Cleves Water Works claims.

No Report

Mr. Welch discussed the process and requirements of the annual tax budget. Bill Welch motioned for Resolution No. 2012-17 Adopting the 2013 Tax Budget and Fran Romweber seconded. Motion carried 100%.

Light, Water and Sewer
Mr. Nunnery reported a new water main was installed along US 50. It needs only seed and straw to finish.

Mr. Hartoin reported that St. Annes and US 50 sidewalk repair was completed. Resolution No. 2012-18 for this repair was motioned by Ron Hartoin and seconded by Ron Nunnery. Motion carried 100%.
The new mower is in and will be delivered next week. Bids opened for the sale of the 1988 dump truck. A and A Auto Sales was the highest bidder and paid $7,505.01.

Police & Fire
The Neighborhood Watch update was given by Mr. Boll.

Planning & Zoning
No report

Law & Ordinance
Dave Moorman made motion for Resolution 2012-19 authorizing a Security System to be Placed in Council Hall. Fran Romweber seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.
Dave Moorman discussed the need for Audio Visual update for Council Hall. We discussed the proposal and reviewed special meeting. Dave Moorman made motion for Resolution No. 2012-20 Authorizing the Placement of an Audio Visual Camera to be Placed in Council Hall. Ron Hartoin seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.
Dave Moorman made motion for Resolution 2012-21 Authorizing Conference Room Improvement Proposal. Ron Hartoin seconded this motion. Motion carried 100%.
Dave Moorman reviewed the hiring of Dick Weber, Code Enforcer. He started May 22nd and will be in the office the first Tuesday of each month. A copy of his report is attached and included seven incidents by his own observations and five by citizen complaints. Two have already been resolved. Bill Welch questioned if one day per month is enough. Dave Moorman says so far Dick Weber is OK with it and he is also working with Cleves and Addyston.

Fran Romweber discussed the property Jeff Hillgrove owns at US 50 and Miami Avenue. The owner has agreed to let the Village move our Welcome sign there. Jim Reichert has prepared an agreement to allow this. Fran Romweber made motion for Resolution No. 2012-22 Authorizing the Agreement with the Owners and Tim Boll seconded. Motion carried 100%.
Fran Romweber reviewed the beautification committee’s purchase of Christmas decorations.
Light up Village night was discussed and details will be reviewed at a later time. Contact Mayor Sammons or Fran if you know of a live Christmas tree available for donation.


Ron Hartoin discussed a temporary solution to the US 50 Hillside stabilization issue. Dan Schoster is investigating a 250’ ditch diverting water into current culvert. A similar remedy is being used on Lakeview Drive but one engineer does not like this particular remedy. Jim Reichert is negotiating between two engineers.
We will revisit Resolutions 06-09 in July after bids are confirmed.

No Old Business

No New Business

Mayor Sammons wanted to clarify procedures for his annual budget. He will report expenditures each month with a $500.00 monthly limit and a $5,000.00 annual limit. Dave Moorman made motion for Resolution No. 2012-23 Establishing the Mayor’s Annual Budget and Fran Romweber seconded. Motion carried 100%.
The cost for the installation of Christmas lights was discussed. The cost to light three poles with a goal of Christmas lights on every other pole cost $5,100.00. Dave Moorman clarified amount is over and above the Beautification budget. Bill Welch stated "whole village" does not include Aston Oaks for Christmas décor purposes. Bob Czanik questioned the amount to light only three poles and this spurred further discussion. Fran Romweber made motion for Resolution No. 2012-24 Authorizing the Expense to Light Three Poles for Christmas Lights and Ron Hartoin seconded. Motion passed 4-2 Tim Boll and Bill Welch voted no.
The Resolution for Hamilton County agreement for solid waste management was discussed and no motion was made.

Mayor Sammons introduced Marilyn Kramer, our new Deputy Clerk. June retired after 26 years. Marilyn starts this Thursday.
The new light at the Landmark sign will be installed soon.
Queen City Cyclists donated $250.00 to the Village



Fran Romweber made motion to adjourn the meeting. Ron Nunnery seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%. Meeting was adjourned at 8:37 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

_____________________________ _______________________________
Fiscal Officer Mayor

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