May 18, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Sammons.
Members Present:
Mayor: Mr. Sammons
Law Director: Mr. Sollmann
Fiscal Officer: Mr. Sullivan
Councilpersons: Mr. Hartoin, Mr. Nunnery, Mrs. Romweber
Mr. Welch, Mr. Moorman, Ms. Smith
Mayor Sammons addressed his comments to the State of the Village statement concerning the riverfront. He would like to form a committee along with Cleves Mayor, Dan Stacy to investigate the development of the riverfront. Council members and residents are encouraged to contact the mayor at the Village office.
Ron Nunnery moved that the April, 2015 Minutes be accepted. Ron Hartoin seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.
The Treasurer’s Report is available at the Village office.
Mayor Sammons reviewed why he is attending the Ohio Mayor’s Conference. He will report his experiences upon his return.
Bill Welch made motion to pay the bills. Fran Romweber seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%.
The Maintenance Supervisor’s Report is available at the Village office.
There was a discussion about the cleanup of 464 Three Rivers Parkway in preparation for demolition of the building. The property will be cleaned up on the outside.
There was a discussion regarding multiple small properties owned by the county being possibly transferred to North Bend.
Minutes, May 18, 2015
There was a vote to approve paving repairs to various streets in the Village by Southwest Paving in the amount of $8,725.00. Shirley Smith made a motion to accept the Southwest Paving bid. Bill Welch seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%
Dave Moorman thanked Rick Schultz for his assistance on his sidewalk condition survey. Dave Moorman will give owner’s six months to complete sidewalk repairs.
Sgt. Raker reported there were thirty calls for the month of April. Three cases were assigned and one case was closed. Sgt. Raker brought a press release announcing a Heroin Forum being held on June 3rd at the Miami Township Community Center at 6:15p.m. It will be approximately 1.5 hours long.
Mayor Sammons asked for the monthly blotter to be sent to him.
No Report
Chief Ober reported there was one Fire run which was a false alarm and ten EMS runs for the month of April. The annual fire inspections of businesses have begun and hydrant checks continue. A priority list of repairs, replacements and relocations is being prepared.
Department training (no burning) will be performed in June at 464 Three Rivers Parkway. Mayor Sammons asked Chief Ober to let Marilyn know of the exact dates when scheduled.
Kate Fenton, our liaison, will be resigning at the end of the school year.
Mayor Sammons reviewed the art contest for the presidential portraits. Art teachers have presented this as their students’ summer project. First Place -$600, Second Place-$300, and Third Place-$100. Portraits will hang in Council Hall and the Village office.
Finance - Mr. Welch
There will be a public hearing on the Tax Budget at 7:00p.m. before the June Council meeting.
Mr. Welch reviewed his reasons for retiring from Council. He has served nearly 10 years and he thanked everyone for their support. Mayor Sammons thanked Bill for his service.
Light, Water and Sewer - Ms. Smith
Shirley Smith is meeting with Mayor Dan Stacy of Cleves next Friday at 10:00am to establish a timeline for repairing and replacing inoperative fire hydrants in North Bend.
Dave Moorman will be sending a notice to the new Cleves Administrator regarding the tree cleanup needed on St. Annes.
Minutes, May 18, 2015
Maintenance - Mr. Hartoin
Ron Hartoin asked for Council’s input regarding the road damage on Turnberry and the return of Tom Nare’s $2,000 road construction bond. As Mr. Hartoin is acquainted with the property owner, he would like other Council members to decide whether or not to return the deposit.
There was a discussion and Council decided the damage was caused by the construction company’s concrete trucks and therefore voted 6-0 to withhold the deposit.
Police & Fire – Mr. Nunnery
No Report
Planning & Zoning - Mrs. Romweber
No Report
Law & Ordinance - Mr. Moorman
Dave Moorman offered an Ordinance revising the North Bend Property Maintenance Code. He reviewed the reasons for this revision including repeat violations, especially high grass violations, and the fine schedule. There was a lengthy discussion. Dave Moorman made a motion to treat the Ordinance amendment as an Emergency and Bill Welch seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%. Dave Moorman made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2015-01. Bill Welch seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%. Dave Moorman will send out violation letters regarding high grass.
Beautification – Fran Romweber
Fran Romweber thanked Rick Schultz and Joe Harding for their work readying the flower boxes and thanked everyone for their help last Saturday in planting the flowers.
There was a discussion about the cement pads for the planters.
Shirley Smith says JMA will attend the July Council meeting to update work on obtaining a grant for curbing on U.S. 50 between St. Annes and Symmes. This would be a "skip" grant which pays for one-half of the cost of the project. The estimate is approximately $237,000. There was a discussion regarding the need for this project.
Scott Sollmann reported the ownership of 464 Three Rivers Parkway has been transferred to North Bend and recorded.
There was a discussion of the effect of a bankruptcy filing, made by a person whose property North Bend has a lien, due to the North Bend rental permit. Mr. Sollmann will investigate.
No Report
No Report
Minutes, May 18, 2015
No Report
Mayor Sammons discussed filling Mr. Welch’s Council position. Mr. Welch wrote his resignation letter as required and Council approved his resignation by roll call, 5-0 passed. (Accepted)
The Fiscal Officer will send a notice to the local paper posting the vacant seat. Interested residents should send their resume to the Village office.
Mayor Sammons announced the candidates for the new Board of Zoning Appeals members to be voted on by Council. Ms. Phyllis Kugler, (original member), Mr. Ken Neyer, Jr., Mr. Robert Czanik, Ms. Linda Reilman and Mr. Dave Moorman.
Fran Romweber made a motion to approve the Board as nominated. Ron Nunnery seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. (Bill Welch did not vote since his resignation letter was effective immediately).
There was a roll call vote to decide if the Village’s financial information should be made accessible online. All Council members voted no; 5-0 No. (Bill Welch did not vote)
No Report
No Report
No Report
Ron Nunnery made motion to adjourn the meeting. Ron Hartoin seconded the motion. Motion carried 100%. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
_____________________________ _______________________________
Fiscal Officer Mayor
Minutes, May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
To Council Members for Your Information and Review
It is once again time for the annual Tax Budget to be filed with the Hamilton County Auditor. To refresh your memory, Hamilton county is the only county out of Ohio’s 88 that still requires this budget to be filed in addition to the year end budget (Which is the actual budget).
Your finance committee, Mayor Sammons, Finance chair Mr. Welch and myself, have begun to meet to prepare this budget for your consideration and approval at next month’s meeting. I will be getting information to council by way of e-mails soon.
We received our 2nd quarter Duke Civic Grant in the amount of $1022. A record of the preceding quarterly grants is in your package this month.
We wrote one Purchase order this month.
- $500 to cover the Mayor’s expenses at the annual Ohio Mayor’s conference
Distributed to council members this month are the following reports:
· Monthly Cash Flow Analysis:
Showing money in/money out and the check book balance
· Payment and charge Register Report:
Includes all checks & automatic payments taken directly from our checkbook since last Council Meeting
· Receipts Register Report:
Includes all sources of revenue taken in by the Village since last Council Meeting
· Revenue Status Report:
Shows the year-to-date status of each revenue account as of date of this Council Meeting
· Fund Status Report: Shows amount left in each fund as of date of this Council
Meeting and the current checking account balance
· Year to Date Beautification Accounting Report
· Mayor’s Discretionary Fund Report
Copies of all the above reports are available for public viewing at the Village Office.
Respectfully submitted, Edward Sullivan, Fiscal Officer
Started up sprinkler system at the point.
Finished painting planter boxes.
Assembled posts for hanging baskets and banners for Shady Lane and Cliff Rd.
Poured concrete pads for flower boxes on Three Rivers Parkway.
Sprayed beds for weeds.
Planted boxes Saturday, May 16th – Put in place today – will install posts this week and
hope to have hanging baskets in place by this weekend.
Paving Projects – E. Harrison Update
(Curbs are finished, mill this week, make repairs, finish 3-4 weeks)
- Bid for multiple small areas approval
Southwest Paving $8,725.00
Mulching will begin end of this week and into the weekend.
Update on Playground Shelter – We will be taking the necessary paperwork to Hamilton County and applying for permits on Wednesday.

May-2015 Sheriff's Report
Village of North Bend
Incident and Criminal Reports
May, 2015
There were 35 calls for service. Two cases were assigned to detectives and one case has been closed as of today’s date.
No stolen property was recovered by detectives during this reporting period.
Criminal Reports:
- 5/27/15, Theft, Dollar General, 280 Three Rivers Pkwy. Travis Robinson, 3700 block of
Vernier Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio was arrested for theft of clothing.
Incident Reports:
- 5/19/15, Vehicle Fire, 33 Muirfield Dr. A service vehicle caught fire while at a jobsite.
- 5/17/15, Missing/Runaway, 138 Miami Avenue. A juvenile was reported as a runaway at this location
- 5/19/15, Missing/Runaway, 136 Miami Avenue. A juvenile was reported as a runaway at this location.
Sergeant Steven Raker
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